Offspring 2016
Skærgårdens Do It For Love

3 weeks old
Inspection 2019, class 1 with amongst others 9 for typeThis beautiful filly is the result of the great combination between our remarkable broodmare Skærgårdens Secret Love and our International Supreme Champion Stallion Wirtsmühle Delaneys, and she is therefore the fullsister of the successful HOYS-Champion, Skærgårdens Delicious Love. Therefore there are some expectations for this filly.
- Classwinner and Best In Breed at the youngstershow in Egtved, with amongst others 9 for type!
- Awarded with amongst others 8 for type, movement and overall at DCPS Show 2017
- Reserve Best in show at youngstershow in Børkop 2018 with 9 for type and overall
- Awarded with 8 for type, movement and overall at DCPS Show 2018
- Classwinner at Mountain & Moorland show with amongst others 9 for type, furthermore RESERVE JUNOIOR CHAMPION
- Approved into Class 1 with amongst others 9 for type, 8 for walk and 8 for trot.
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Carna Dun |
Glenlo Biddy |
Marena |
May Prince |
Mary |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Hazy Dawn |
Lærkens Camille |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Øxenholm Chess |
Lykkesholm Parma |
Skærgårdens Secret Love |
Marvel van Graaf Janshof |
Carna Gold |
Carna Dun |
Carrawbawn Colleen |
Ballydonagh Deidre |
Carna Bobby |
Cashel Kate |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Skærgårdens Celtic Night

Celtic Night 4 yo
3 yo at stallion inspectionOur Elitemare Barholts Evita has once again delivered a beautiful colt foal of highest quality. He has three extraordinary movements and a lot of charisma! We are truly excited to see him develop, and are quite convinced that he will follow in his brothers footsteps, since three of his brothers are Class 1 stallions (Skærgårdens Movie Night, Skærgårdens Party Night & Skærgårdens Dark Night).
Celtic Night is sold as a stallionprospect to Holland, and if everything goes as planned he will be shown at the stallionsinspection in 2019 - we are so excited!
- Approved into Class 1 and Supreme Champion
Wirtsmühle Delaney's |
Diamond Shamrock |
Diamond Rum |
Carna Dun |
Glenlo Biddy |
Marena |
May Prince |
Mary |
Nørlunds Primrose |
Lærkens Cascade Dawn |
Hazy Dawn |
Lærkens Camille |
Nørlunds Pretty Woman |
Øxenholm Chess |
Lykkesholm Parme |
Barholts Evita |
Frederiksminde Hazy Marvel |
Hazy Dawn |
Dale Haze |
Castle Park |
Øxenholm Mandy |
Marble |
Sally Maree |
Barholts Madonna |
Lærkens Catch Me |
Øxenholm Marble Jr. |
Lærkens Camille |
Barholts Rosaleen |
Øxenholm Markbook |
Kærvangs Ditte |